When I come to Chapel, I not only fellowship with family and friends, I experience the peace, joy, wisdom, and restoration of the presence of God. The worship gets you moving physically and spiritually. I really feel like I am practicing what life would be like when I get to heaven and we get to see the diversity of God’s people praising Him in harmony. The word comes forth with power and practically. My perspective on my situation is enlightened by Bishop’s and Pastor Eric ‘s clarity and humor. And what can I say about the children’s church? I have seen children grow and develop as scholars, athletes, musicians, business people, teachers, actors, and more as they grow in their love and understanding of Christ. Their growth is Inspirational to me in my walk and transformational to what it is doing for their peers and the church as a whole. I want to be at Chapel because I want to be a part of what God is doing through this ministry to impact Houston and the body as a whole.